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Mineral Technologies International, Inc. (MTI) offers the following products and services to the Mineral and Metallurgical industries: MODSIM- MODular SIMulator for Mineral Processing Plants. MODSIM affordability, ease of use, and unique and powerful ability to simulate mineral liberation make it the perfect computer simulation tool for quarry operators, coal processors, base metal and industrial mineral producers, consultants and engineering firms. MODSIMruns on all Windows95/98/NT platforms. MTI offers technical support, training, workshops, new model development, parameter estimation, model calibration and custom simulators development to MODSIM users. MMIA- Mineral and Metallurgical Image Analysis. MMIA is an event driven image analysis, image processing application designed for accurate feature measurement in high-contrast images. MMIA supports color and gray level images of any size, event driven macro programming and playback, user programming interface, and full support for automatic unattended processing of any number of image sets. MMIA was originally designed to measure liberation in images generated from binary mineral particle samples in an SEM equipped with a backscattered electron detector. MMIA runs on Linux and Solaris systems. StereoSoft- Software for Stereological Correction. StereoSoft accurately performs the transformation from linear or areal grade measurement from image analysis to volumetric grade information. A number of transformation functions based on ore texture is readily available with a tool to help the user select the most appropriate. The user can directly import linear or areal measurements from MMIA or QEM*SEM. Corrected mineral liberation data is formatted for direct input to MODSIM. StereoSoft is available for Windows 95/98/NT, Linux and Solaris. MTI offers services to develop new transformation functions adapted to your particular ore texture. Mineral Liberation - MTI provides full mineral liberation characterization of particulate samples or drill core sections using backscatter SEM or optical microscopy. Batch Grinding Tests - MTI offers standard batch grinding tests for the measurement of breakage and selection functions for simulation and scale-up. Coupled with a mineral liberation study, these tests will also provide a complete mineral liberation model as well as measurement of the selective, preferential and differential breakage phenomena. UFLC- UltraFast Load Cell. The UFLC is a modified Split-Hopkinson bar used to measure particle fracture energy under impacting conditions representative of a ball mill environment. The UFLCprovides a fast, accurate and reproducible way to assess pretreatment damage and correlates well with Bond Work Index type measurements. MTI can either provide in house analysis or design and install a unit for your own laboratory. OPSA- Online Particle Size Analysis OPSA is an image based system that measures in real time the size distribution of particulate material on moving conveyor belts, truck loads, and muck piles. Image Library - High definition Scanning Electron Microscope images of a wide variety of ores in various size ranges are available. These images are invaluable for image analysis system testing and liberation measurement calibration. For more information about these services or to inquire about a special application, contact us. |