
Simulation starts with the
definition of the flowsheet which is drawn initially on the monitor
using a specialized graphics editor.
The graphic editor has an extensive array of icons representing
all the mineral processing unit operations encountered in practice.
The editor also allows for quick modification of the flowsheet
structure and replacement of existing units.

Data required to simulate processing
plants describe the characteristics of the material treated,
the production rates targeted, and the details of the unit operations
included in the flowsheet. The processing units are described
by their physical characteristics and the parameters of the mathematical
models that describe the operation of the physical equipment.
MODSIM is based on the
population balance method and is therefore capable of accounting
accurately for variations in particle size and mineral liberation
characteristics together with other critical properties such
as density, mineralogical texture, elemental composition, magnetic
susceptibility, energy content, etc. Data structures incorporate
mineral and coal processing flowsheets.

MODSIM simulates integrated
flowsheets that can include:
- crushing (jaw, giratory and cone crushers, high pressure
- grinding (AG, SAG, Rod and Ball mills)
- classification (screens and hydrocyclones)
- flotation
- gravity separation (jigs, tables, cones, sluices, dense medium
vessels and cyclones, water only cyclones)
- magnetic separation (dry and wet drum separators and wet
high intensity separators)
- solid liquid separation (thickeners, dewatering screens and

A wide array of models for the unit operations is supplied.
In most cases alternative models are available so that the user
can investigate the differences between various models of the
same unit.
Most of the significant models available from the scientific
literature are included. Each model comes with a set of realistic
default parameters.
User-specified models for any unit can be incorporated easily.
Model selection is fully interactive so models can be changed
with a simple mouse click.
Graphical, tabular and text outputs display simulation results
quickly and clearly. All output can be copied and pasted on most
word processors for convenient and effective report production.
Graphics can be exported as Encapsulated PostScript (.EPS) or
Windows Metafile (.WMF).
MODSIM is an effective solution for your simulation needs:
- Is affordable, fully interactive and user-friendly.
- Represents over 15 years of R&D validated by numerous industrial
- Is designed for convenient and intuitive operation for ease
of learning: basic user proficiency is achieved in less than
one hour.
- Requires no special training in computer modeling or simulation.
- Allows easy incorporation of new models using the Development
Kit supplied.
- Provides a comprehensive user manual and on-line help. Manuals
include complete description of the mathematical modeling methods
and gives details of all the models used.
- Offers several models for most unit operations, including
the most recent and significant found in the scientific literature.
Each model comes with a set of default parameters.
- Automatically calculates recycle streams including regrinding.
- Allows the user to select various system units: S.I., British,
per hour, per day, etc.
- Provides an unlimited number of units and streams per flowsheet.
MODSIM offers a unique and powerful ability to simulate
mineral liberation:
- Implements the complete Andrews-Mika liberation modeling
in Ball and Rod mills.
- Directly imports mineral liberation data from SEM or optical
microscopes through the MMIA and StereoSoft image
analysis and stereological transformation software.

- MODSIM powerful and versatile capabilities make it
the perfect computer simulation tool for quarry operators, coal
processors, base metal and industrial mineral producers, consultants
and engineering firms in the mineral processing field.
- MODSIM is a very cost effective solution for circuit
design and optimization.
- Mineral liberation simulation allows you to further optimize
your separation processes by characterizing how each grade class
and, ultimately, liberated minerals will be affected.

Pentium® PC - Windows 9x, NT, 2000 or XP - 32MB Ram Memory
- 50MB disk space.

- Phone, fax and email support as well as software upgrades
are available at no cost for one year. Other support agreements
can be arranged.
- On-site training and workshops are available upon request.
- On-line training materials available with installation CDROM
and through our Web site.
- Mineral Technologies, Inc. provides consulting for flowsheet
design, model development and calibration, model parameters estimation
and mineral liberation assessment.


- Download the demo
version of MODSIM 3.6.14 (13 Mb).
- Academic and Professional versions are available.
- Contact MTI to request a quote.
© 2008 Mineral Technologies,
Inc. All rights reserved.
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