Exercise 6-2 Ball mill circuit - Energy-based model for Limestone
This exercise uses the flowsheet that was constructed in exercise 6-1.
Open the job that was saved in exercise 6-1.
All data remains the same except that the ball mill will be modeled using the Herbst-Furstenau energy-specific model for the rate of breakage. Use MODSIM model HFMI. The parameters for the selection have these values S1E = 1.15 tonnes/kWhr, zeta1 = 0.185 and zeta 2 = -0.100 (Note the negative value which is essential). Breakage function values are Beta = 3.723, gamma = 0.748, delta = 0.0 and Phi 5 = 0.720.
Note that the Herbst-Furstenau model requires the power input to the mill and not the average residence time. Set the power to the estimate power obtained in exercise 6-1 (1.07 MW)
Run the simulation and record the data as in exercise 6-1 and compara the data from the two exercises.